Open innovation for marketing, design, luxury...

open innovation software

Innovation is a term preferred by science and engineering companies but as a process it is same as building customer relationships in marketing, design in non-engineering companies, inspiration in luxury. These are all top level innovation processes named differently in different industries.

Marketing is a highly technical activity which aims to build customer relationships. It benefits greatly from open innovation as an ultimate form of cooperation, but it has a difficulty accepting the word “innovation” making open relationship more acceptable.

Non-engineering companies, like furniture brands, prefer to say that they design their products even though they still apply complex engineering processes. They too benefit greatly from open innovation but prefer to call it open design.

Luxury is based on manual work of top experts, but depends greatly on the inspiration of these experts. It benefits from open innovation but it rejects the word “innovation” and prefers open inspiration instead.

Open innovation is a process of solving complex internal intellectual challenges using external talent and it can be applied in all industries, in companies of all sizes, and in all cultures, but to benefit everyone it needs to be localized to each industry and case. The process and tools remain the same, the name changes.

Our OPEN OS software can easily support a wide range of open innovation applications adjusting to each specific goal, scope, and culture. Email Andrea at to learn more.

Written by: Nikola Tosic
Publishing date: 28 Aug 2024