
Written by: Nikola Tosic
Publishing date: 30 Jan 2018


Category is a group of Competitors.

Single Brand can belong to many Categories.

For each Value a Brand can belong to a different Category in which it competes against a different set of Competitors.


Written by: Nikola Tosic
Publishing date: 30 Jan 2018

Competitor Google Maps

Brands that offer the same Value are Competitors.

If the Value they offer is a Hard Value then their Products and Brands will be similar.

If the Value is a Soft Value, then their Products and Brands might not be similar.


Written by: Nikola Tosic
Publishing date: 24 Jan 2018


Content are Interactions which are not the Product.

Content, although does not become an ownership of the customer, has the ability to add Values to the Product and the Brand.

Content is easier to produce than a Product and can be shared virally.

Therefore it is much more efficient at adding value than a Product, but its Values are not as strong as those offered by the Product.

Content mostly adds Soft Values.


Written by: Nikola Tosic
Publishing date: 24 Jan 2018

Nike Free shoe

Product is everything that a changes the ownership from the Brand to the Customer.

Product can also be defined as Content which becomes ownership of the Customer.

Product is the most important Interaction for delivery of Value from Brand to Customer.


Written by: Nikola Tosic
Publishing date: 24 Jan 2018

Samsung Note 8

Interaction is a point of contact between a Brand and a Customer.

Interactions deliver Value to Customers.

There are two types of Interactions: Products and Content.

The more Interactions a Brand has the better it is.


Written by: Nikola Tosic
Publishing date: 24 Jan 2018


Customer is an individual who accepts the Values that form a Brand.

Brand is an idea which Customer perceives.

In cases of group buying decisions term Customer can be used for that group or an organization because the final decision is a sum of all individual decisions.

All Brands offer values to multiple Customers and have to balance the conflicts.

Soft Value

Written by: Nikola Tosic
Publishing date: 24 Jan 2018


Soft Value is a Value which Customer does not measure.

Examples of Soft Values: innovation, prestige, cool, social status, energetic, design.


Written by: admin
Publishing date: 18 Jan 2018

Brand is a collection of Values accepted by Customers.

Do not define the brand with Values which are promoted by the company but not accepted by Customers.

Brands can be personal, government, company, product, feature, location, or anything else which Customers perceive as an independent concept.

Brands must interact with Customers through Interactions which can be via Product or via Content.

Brands can be Mother or Sub-Brands.


Written by: admin
Publishing date: 18 Jan 2018

Value is a positive change Customer accepted.

Value is the essential element of a Brand.

Values can be Soft and Hard.

Do not confuse it with the change the customer is not aware of.

Hard Value

Written by: admin
Publishing date: 18 Jan 2018

Model T

Hard Value is Value measured by the Customer.

Examples of Hard Values: price, distance, size, weight, color.

Some Values can appear as a Hard Value because they can be measured, but if the Customer chooses not to measure them then they are Soft Values.