Open innovation as a global disruption

disruption open innovation

There are three factors that show how disruptive open innovation can be:

Open innovation is accepted by all company departments
Open innovation is not only accepted by R&D and engineering, but by various departments and teams in companies. Open innovation penetrates deeper in each company, beyond any isolated project. For example, luxury marketing can benefit greatly from open innovation.

Open innovation is accepted by all industries
Managing companies using only internal talent to solve every challenge is outdated. Every company of every size in every industry can benefit from open innovation to reduce risks and increase value for employees, partners, customers, end-users. For example, healthcare can improve patient safety with open innovation.

More local & specific open innovation platforms
Open innovation is facilitated by specialized platforms. In time there will be more local platforms catering to companies of various sizes, from different industries, in different locations. For example, an open innovation platform shared by several spas in a small French town.

As all three factors are growing, open innovation will become more disruptive. The risk of relying only on internal resources will be reduced, helping companies be better at making what customers and partners want, everywhere.

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Written by: Nikola Tosic
Publishing date: 26 Sep 2024