Why would a company use crowdsourcing for open innovation?

open innovation crowdsourcing

Is crowdsourcing used to promote the brand or to improve the products with end-users?

Open innovation is very useful for both promotion and innovation, but it can not always do both. Sometimes a company must choose between quantity and quality.

For QUANTITY – many customers like the brand – engaging the biggest crowds possible is the way to go. It will be harder to find the best innovators and build relationships with them, but the brand will be better known and more engaging.

For QUALITY – end-user innovations improve products – it might not be necessary to engage large crowds. It might be better to approach one smaller group at a time, find the best innovators, and build long-term relationships with them.

There are always exceptions, especially with very popular brands, when both promotion and innovation goals can be reached, but this is rare.

In openinnovation.me we work closely with our clients to define the best strategy, to find the best innovators, and to build long-term relationships with them.

To learn more about using openinnovation.me email Andrea at andrea@openinnovation.me.

Written by: Nikola Tosic
Publishing date: 23 Apr 2024